Saturday, May 17, 2008


I thought we had a democratic form of government. Foolish me. Our government is continuing to move closer and closer to a dictatorship. If you don't believe me you really need to do some checking.
How many of you know about the SPP and if you do, how much do you really know about it?
We have a major illegal immigration problem and our government refuses to do anything constructive to solve the problem. Their solution is amnesty for all. In the meantime, wages are stagnant at best. This is due not only to the illegal immigration problem but also the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Americans are continuing to lose jobs and our social programs benefits given to illegals and paid for by this country's taxpayers are overburdened. Hospitals are having to close and our politicians are refusing to listen to us, instead they are pandering to the illegals.
They refuse to make English our official language and if you know about the SPP and the plans for a North American Union it isn't hard to figure out why.
While our public schools teach the basic educational fundamentals, they do not teach our children to think for themselves. Schools have basically become indoctrination centers under the guise of teaching multiculturalism.
Our Christian heritage is being pushed down further and further in favor of the Muslim's Islam. When complaints arise we are told that we are being bigoted.
Our mainstream news media has lost the ability to report news truthfully and without bias. They continue to help the government maintain their secrecy concerning their agenda.
We continue, however, to have Americans that refuse to see what is happening. They continue to live in denial and will continue to do so until it is too late.
There are some Americans, however, that not only see what is happening, but also are speaking out on all these issues. I applaud them.
As for the rest, please wake up before it is too late!

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